Monday, August 8, 2011

Scary Dreams and New Things

A special thanks for all the comments and emails! You have no idea how nice it was to hear from you all! Most of that post was directed at my some of my co-workers...some things will never change.

**A correction- The Chicka Chicka Boom Boom download didn't include the letter z. I've made the correction and just in case you missed it, here is the corrected download. My apologies!

All documents contain fonts that are copyright DJ Inkers. Virtually all documents contain graphics that are copyright DJ Inkers. They are used with permission. Please visit, for wonderful clipart and fonts.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

And, so it begins...well, it actually began a few weeks ago...the scary dreams about school. I don't think I know any teacher who isn't plagued with dreams of school in August. This year my dreams seems to be focused on one thing...who am I getting?? I work in a district that doesn't do any screening for incoming Kindergartners...scary, huh? But, the balance is usually that we know many families that are coming in and requesting us as teachers and we have some coming up from our Pre-K program. So, my first dream was that my principal decided to put all the "new to district" families in my room. It ended with over half of my kids having behavior IEP's and me without an assistant, yikes! 

I took my trip to Lakeshore Learning, and I am thanking the Dear Lord that I had lots o'gift cards! I got some new center stuff, to be placed on shelves that lack any amount of space! I also ordered a few books and a new timer. I am debating buying one of those cubby shelves from Target, but I am pretty sure I don't have space. Maybe I'll get rid of my desk...a girl can dream, can't she! Here are some of my new purchases...

 I also dropped off a HUGE laminating order at the local store...that's right, I pay for laminating! We have a laminator at school, but it's the flimsy stuff. The store I go to is nice and thick with the added bonus of...they CUT it ALL for me!!!! Priceless. I made a new Behavior Clip Chart...inspired by many blogs. I hope that it works for my Hoppers this year! I will post a pic once it's done laminating. Here are two little things I made today while it rained. One is my Smartie Pill jar, way cuter than last year, although you can't really see the words very well! The other are containers for pencils.

 Now, many of you have asked me to share my schedule with you, so here you have it folks...PURE CHAOS!
Lesson Plan Template 2011-2012

The other thing that many of you have asked about is how I handle Homework in my classroom. I send out a Homework Calendar packet each month. The packet contains Homelinks from Everyday Math, practice papers from Zaner Bloser handwriting, as well as miscellaneous things that I add. I am not sure if you will be able to use them or not. I've uploaded the Homework Guidelines that I include in my Parent Packet for Orientation day. It includes directions to the parents. I have also uploaded the September calendar (without the Homelinks or Zaner Bloser handouts b/c they are copyrighted materials), if people want more uploaded, I will certainly upload all of them.
Homework Guidelines

September Homework Calendar

(September )Letters and Sounds Go Fish

Now I will leave you with two pictures of my baby... my Thundercat, named Liono Baggins. He is a 21 pound orange and white, Tabby/Siamese cat. He is ginormous and very vocal.
One loud clap of thunder and suddenly he is a small, timid Scaredy Cat that hides in tiny spaces.

Thanks for reading!

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